If you haven’t had a KIND bar yet in your life, I don’t know what your waiting for!!
These bars are absolutely delicious and for a chocoholic like me their bars are the perfect fix to my cravings. The dark Chocolate Cheery Cashew bar, oh my goodness, is my favorite, it’s absolutely unreal! On top of this flavour there are about 20 others to dig into…let me know your favorite! Each KIND Bar is packed with nutrients, made of Nuts, Fruits,Vitamins, Grains, Superfoods, they are low in sodium, and gluten free. These bars have it all, some bars even have up to 9 grams of Protein in them.
Besides being a great tasting, ultra healthy snack for people with a healthy active lifestyle, KIND Bar has an awesome initiative called “Do The KIND Thing“. KIND has a philosophy of “Holistic KINDNESS”, which I think is brilliant! They go beyond making healthy snacks by supporting projects and have built a whole KIND Movement that promotes positive social and community initiatives. Take a look at the Video Below…How Cool is this?
I would say a lot of people DON’T EAT ENOUGH food in a day. Some women who have goals set to lose weight think that eating less almost starving themselves is the way to do it. The truth can be more opposite. You have to eat..eat..eat. Eating is the most important part of your fitness plan! If your not eating your body slows your metabolism right down and it will be hard for you to see any results. It is the nutrients in your food that are the building blocks to build or tone muscle’s, if you do not eat enough food your muscles will just have to eat themselves…ahhhh.
Now the key is to choose healthy, wholesome foods while looking to fuel your body with. Fish, Eggs, Fruits, legumes, Vegetables, Nuts, Grains and so on. Make up little baggies for the week of healthy foods and snacks. Having a case of KIND bars in the house or leaving a few in the car is a great, a quick go-to snack that can curb your cravings and fuel your body, not to mention it will keep your paws off greasy drive-thru foods and candy bars.
KIND say’s, ’ Mysteries belong in novels, not your food’. That’s so true, eh? If you can’t pronounce the words on the packages your buying then who really knows what it is? I don’t know about you, but we are given one body, one chance here on this earth, blessed with this miracle of life. Now why would you want to feed your body shitty fuel? A bunch of ingredients you can’t even pronounce
Set Goals!! Eat Clean, Colourful Wholesome Foods. Once you can balance a healthy diet the results are amazing, your body and mind will generate true enhancement. When you feel the positive effects, your whole life with benefit from it.
Be PROUD.. be KIND.. and eat RIGHT!